Copyright, Trademark and Patent Information
GridStation, MWM, IDED, HYPERLATTICE and JENTEK are registered trademarks of JENTEK Sensors, Inc. Other JENTEK trademarks include, but are not limited to, PIG-IT, and CALM.
JENTEK Issued patents include U.S. Patent #s: 10,732,096, 10,677,756, 10,444,189, 10,416,118, 10,324,062, 10,001,457, 9,823,179, 9,772,309, 9,279,784 9,255,875, 9,207,131, 8,981,018, 8,960,012, 8,928,316, 8,803,515, 8,768,657, 8,494,810, 8,237,433, 8,222,897, 8,050,883, 7,994,781, 7,876,094, 7,812,601, 7,696,748, 7,589,526, 5,533,575, 7,528,598, 7,526,964, 7,518,360, 7,467,057, 7,451,657, 7,451,639, 7,411,390, 7,385,392, 7,348,771, 7,289,913, 7,280,940, 7,230,421, 7,188,532, 7,183,764, 7,161,351, 7,161,350, 7,106,055, 7,095,224, 7,049,811, 6,995,557, 6,992,482, 6,952,095, 6,798,198, 6,784,662, 6,781,387, 6,727,691, 6,657,429, 6,486,673, 6,433,542, 6,420,867, 6,380,747, 6,377,039, 6,351,120, 6,198,279, 6,188,218, 6,144,206, 5,966,011, 5,793,206, 5,629,621, 5,990,677 and RE39,206 (other patents pending).
ISO 9001:2015 Certification
JENTEK Sensors, Inc. is ISO 9001:2015 certified. Our ISO certificate can be downloaded here.