JENTEK offers industry leading solutions for nondestructive testing (NDT) and structural health monitoring (SHM) of high-value Aerospace & Defense, and other industrial assets as well as quality assessment and NDT for high-value added manufacturing processes. The new 8200 series product line provides a leap in capability over our previous award-winning GridStation® systems.
Non-Destructive Testing

NDT for Engines (Turbine Blade & Disk Inspection)
The award winning MWM-Array technology, winner of the FAA/ATA “Better Way” Award for crack detection in engine components, is the established market leader in eddy current testing (ET) performance. The new 8200 GridStation systems provide a 10x improvement in crack detection performance and over 5x improvement in scan speed. With 18-119 parallel channels (no multiplexing), these systems can inspect an aircraft engine disk or an entire set of aircraft engine blade dovetails in much less than an hour. Furthermore, demonstrated false indication rates are far lower than any competitive ET solution on the market.

NDT for Structures (Bolt Holes, Landing Gear, Lap Joints, Composites)
The 8200 GridStation systems with MWM-Arrays are the first ET solution for structures that provides reliable, real-time C-scan imaging for cracks in bolt holes with fretting damage, grind burns under coatings on landing gear, hidden corrosion in lap joints, and inspection of damage through composite skins. Furthermore, the 8200 GridStation systems offer the first practical and extremely rapid ET solution for wide area impact damage imaging in complex-shaped carbon fiber reinforced composites. The MWM-Array was one of two NDT technologies implemented at NASA KSC on the Space Shuttle leading edge RCC Thermal Protection for the Shuttle return to flight.
Structural Health Monitoring

SHM for Loads (Non-Contact Torque & Stress Monitoring)
The non-contact and surface mountable JENTEK magnetic stress/strain gauges (MSGs) offer the first strain gauge replacement technology that requires no bond integrity and can provide reliable strain measurement through coatings and even without contact. This revolutionary technology offers customers a practical solution for local strain monitoring, direct load monitoring for life management, and provides sufficient data rates (e.g., up to 10 KHz) for real-time diagnostics. Non-contact torque sensor variants are now transitioning onto target platforms and are available to OEMs for fully integrated testing. No modification to shafts/structures (such as coatings/cuffs) is required.

SHM for Damage (Laboratory Fatigue Test Monitoring)
The permanently installed JENTEK linear MWM-Arrays and circular MWM-Rosettes offer convenient inspection of difficult-to-access locations. After initial installation, no disassembly is required to inspect fatigue critical locations eliminating the high cost of disassembly and the common occurrence of collateral damage. This proven solution is currently undergoing flight testing with the US military and is available for aerospace and other defense applications. Capability includes detection of surface and buried cracks for layup thicknesses up to 0.75 inches.